Wanting a more sustainable and natural way to remain in a peak state I began to look into Chinese herbs and eventually this led to what I call, supertonic longevity healing herbs from all over the world. I read anything and everything I could find on the subject and tried as many as I could get my hands on. Some were great and some I felt nothing or very little and I began to suspect that the herbs were either extremely diluted or marked up to ridiculous levels and I wasn’t really that impressed unless I took enormous amounts of them. I also wasn’t aware of anything on the market that had the specific herbs I was interested in all contained in one formula nor the potency I desired and I thought to myself, “Surely I can do better!” I began looking for sources and my one criteria was, “I want the best of the best of the best with zero contaminants or pollutants. I am not even interested at all unless it’s THE BEST.”
Well after going through innumerable sources and innumerable variations of the blends I finally created my own first prototype which I called THE INTERSTELLAR BLEND and I combined this with daily intermittent fasting. Well it wasn’t long before friends and family and strangers asked me what my secret was. They would say things like, “You look great for your age, you are always upbeat and positive! How do you do it?” And I would respond, “Well I fast daily and I take this Supertonic Longevity Herbal Formula I created that I call THE INTERSTELLAR BLEND and I feel AWESOME virtually all the time!” To which they would ask, “Well can I buy some?” “Sure!” So it thus all began selling friend to friend to friend and before long they were telling their friends who were telling their friends and I thought, “Well maybe I should make a little website and just offer it to everyone?”
And so I did and it basically just took off from there pretty much all word of mouth with little to zero spent on advertising. I wanted to make it special, exclusive and boutique style, not blast it out all over the place. My primary goal was never to mass produce a bunch of cheap herbs, relying on advertising gimmicks for a quick buck but to genuinely help people; to eradicate anxiety, depression, brain fog, fatigue stress—to bring back that child like exuberance, energy, health, passion and excitement for life again that I rediscovered and felt by offering the best herbs on the planet attainable with results recognized often the same day people try them. And so it was that my little hobby turned into something that has now gone on, friend to friend to friend, to completely transform lives for the better all over the world.
— GAVIN ROBERT MCGOWEN Creator of the Interstellar Blends
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